The Voyager

The Strong Risk

Between the middle of the twentieth century and the first decade of the two thousand, about seventy years of peace and economic growth, welfare state and prosperity of the Western society now called the European Union passed. The success of this historical period for the achievements in terms of peace, welfare state and economic growth, of the member states of the European Union is due to this type of party and parliamentary representative politics. For the complexity of the geopolitical scene and the multiple interests, this political class has managed to mediate and serve the interests of the Catholic component or conglomerate of interests of the Christian Catholic community.

In this seemingly peaceful period, many decades have witnessed the so-called Cold War pitting two superpowers who emerged victorious from World War II such as the US and USSR. The goal of these superpowers is the European territory of today's EU member states, the maximum extent of influence for total control and dominance over that territory. It is a war that has passed through politics, capitalist ideology and communist ideology, which has not failed to express strong moments of tension to blossom into a real war both because of the armament available and the level of ideological confrontation that the armies at their disposal.

Most exposed are the EU member states and the populations of the European territory, specifically the Western Christian Catholic European society. In fact, in the East in the USSR, the Communist Ideology is professed Atheism (a good part of the population never stops being Christian and also the part of the establishment), and in the Western in the US the front capitalist Ideology expresses a Catholic representation (only in the appearance) but it is better represented by specific weight greater than decision-making the Jewish one more evident today. Today, in fact, a US president of the Jewish religion in America would be voted in and elected by the majority of Americans without any difficulty since he is a majoritarian part of the representation of the conglomerate of interests of the American Jewish community. This would imply something accomplished rather than something unfinished in terms of community political and parliamentary representation in the U.S.

Mediating on this danger and very high risk of outright war is basically the European political representation with the parties of the Christian Democracy, which features the political party of the Italian Christian Democracy specifically, which I recall is one of the founding states of the current EU. Certainly supported by the Protestant Catholic current best represented in the British monarchy, the French one represented by the Gollean political current, that of Spain again by the Spanish monarchy and also Northern Germany which certainly has a very strong secular Catholic component.

Today the Cold War scenario between the US and RUSSIA seems to be playing out again between the two superpowers who see themselves facing each other on the borders of Russia in a real war on the outskirts of the present European Union and its member states. War is never a positive affair even more so when it is fought between third parties on the borders or edges of the European Union and its member states. This war apparently erupted a few months ago and unreality was decided and structured at least seven years earlier by the strategic centers of the two superpowers who by definition make their sole and exclusive interest and certainly not the interest of the European Union and its member states. The political representation of the conglomerate of interests of the Christian Catholic Community of Germany, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands and England in the North of Europe and Spanish, French and Italian in the South of Europe seems to overlook the fact that this war was decided in the first part of 2010 which is a matter of concern since it was decided unilaterally, as a proxy rained down from abroad, without consultation with Europe's historical allies in strategic terms. To consider the European political scenario of the last seventy years, the current European Union has been at the mercy of the events of numerous exogenous economic crises, numerous exogenous financial crises, numerous exogenous wars, and finally the exogenous pandemic that has not failed to do damage to the state budgets of the member countries and the economies of the member countries of the European Union. This policy choice before being made must be understood in terms of the costs and exposure of the conglomerate of interests of the European Catholic Christian community, otherwise it still risks being to the detriment of the European Union to the detriment of the aforementioned community.

Thus, there is a lack of a strategic European study of the political representation of the member states of the European Union, equally lacking is an understanding of the effects of such a political choice at the edges of the European Union. In terms of protecting the conglomerate of interests of the Catholic Christian Community such a choice is to be considered highly risky and to the detriment of the European Union since it is decided in foreign headquarters of foreign states that are not in line with the interests of the European Union simply because they are outside the European Union. Therefore, a consideration of the financial economic impact as a function of the state budgets of EU member states and the sustainability of policy choices as a function of the economies of EU member states is necessary.

Regarding the representation of the conglomerate of interests of the Christian Catholic community in European society between the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the two thousand, unfortunately France loses the representative component of the Gollean Current. In fact, that political current is destroyed because it is too good and efficient in governing and defending the interests of that French Christian Catholic community. Today there is no news of such representativity of this community in France which remains left to itself at the mercy of events and foreign choices often not in line with the interests of that community.

The representation of the conglomerate of interests of the Christian Catholic community in Italy in the 1990s unfortunately saw the destruction of the Christian Democratic Party. This political representation that best expresses the economic interests of that community, with management and governance between 1950 and 1980 leads the country to exceptional economic growth, especially with the economic boom of the 1960s. And indeed, medium to long-term economic and industrial planning is possible according to the conglomerate of interests of the Italian Christian Catholic community, which in this period sees the accumulation of wealth and prosperity in a perfectly balanced manner. Since the destruction of that party, medium-long term economic and industrial planning has no longer been possible due to the fragmentation of politics and in perfect dividi et impera style and concept. The quarrelsomeness and of the political class of the first twenty years of the two thousand highlighted an irrelevance of the internal politics of the country, incapable of medium-long term vision and understanding of political choices implemented basically in delegation. Choices that as shown by the annual economic results of the administrative management and governance of the political class not at all representative of the interests are at the antipodes of the defense of the Italian Christian Catholic community. And in fact, transversal from north to south of the impoverishment of the country and the Christian Catholic community that sees the late twentieth century generations today increasingly struggling with a public debt per capita estimated at around thirty thousand euros.

Certainly a key step in today's European Union is the Unification of the two Germany' s, a very important step for the European Union by recognition of the USSR as the right of the unification of the German people of the two Germany's with the important political representation of the Catholic community in Germany the political party of the Christian Democracy of Germany as the protagonist. This passage determines the delineation of the European Union in terms of territoriality, relevance and economic and financial competence of the European Union with Germany as a locomotive industrial pole, followed by France and finally Italy. Monetary policy sees Frankfurt as its balanced headquarters in terms of representation and direction, and Brussels as the legislative and lawmaking one. The German Christian Democratic Party has been able to govern and defend the interests of Germany's Christian Catholic community to the best of its ability and to withstand all international crises with a form of governance and management in policy choices never by proxy over all sectors of the country. Today, the importance of this political representation expressed by Christian Democracy in Germany is also fundamental to the other countries of the European Union, especially to those Catholic communities in France but especially in Italy lacking today.

The territory of the European Union pertains to the conglomerate of interests of the European Christian Catholic community, and it can only be otherwise because of the millennial history of Europe, which remains Christian. Over the past two decades, in terms of GDPPC wealth and Welfare guaranteed by the State Budget, much ground has been ceded or lost precisely because of the lack of unified representation of the interests of the Christian Catholic community. In fact, in percentage terms the growth is minimal compared to others where wealth in these seventy years has grown enormously.

There is a need for a unified strategic vision of present and future policy choices as a function of the conglomerate of interests of the European Union's Christian Catholic community, which entails a strong critical spirit and medium-to-long term view on every present and future choice since any more ground lost or ceded would entail the fall into absolute irrelevance of the European Christian Catholic community.

In the policy choices by proxy that rain down from outside the European Union and are taken for their own by today's political representations in the legislative and parliamentary bodies of individual European Union member countries and also in the European parliamentary legislature by convention assume that such policy choices are in the interests of the European Catholic Christian Community. In fact, by convention they assume that such choices are best thought of elsewhere in strategic study centers outside the European Union that by definition, because they are outside the European Union, are also outside the interests of the European Christian Catholic Community not in line with the community. These policy choices today concern both the internal policy of the European Union and the foreign policy of the European Union, which from an economic and financial perspective are interconnected and complementary.

The political choice of energy planning of the European Union is of fundamental importance for the European Catholic Christian community considering the fact of the scarcity of natural resources of the European territory. The delegation of this choice expressed with ineptitude of the political representation of the member states that assumes by convention that strategic studies and proposed solutions coming from outside the European Union of the member states are in the interest of the European Catholic Christian community. An Energy plan must be thought out by the political representation of the European union in the Strategic Study centers in Europe, which entails optimal solutions in terms of cost, optimal solutions in terms of little subjectivity to price variations in the presence of critical events such as economic-financial crises and wars, and a diversification in purchasing both by quantity and by different suppliers with a view to market efficiency avoiding controlling and monopolistic positions which would certainly go against the interests of the member states of the European Union. This choice today even more than in the past, where the lever of Taxation in extremely counterproductive and the lever of monetary policy in Europe less and less effective, sees the lever of energy as the only driver of growth today. An exorbitant energy cost of policy choices not thought out by the political representation and institutes of European strategic studies of EU member countries may be fatal to economic development in the coming years. Any policy choice by proxy and assumption by convention that is of interest to the European Catholic Christian community that has not been thought out by European study centers is likely to result in the impoverishment of member countries and a fall into utter irrelevance to the detriment of the community.

The political choice of the architecture of the institution of the European Union is fundamental and can only be made by parliamentary and party political representation of the Christian Catholic community of EU member states and strategic European study centers and never can be foreign or by proxy. To be in question in the near future and in fact the concept of state in terms of institution and the constitutions of member states for other supposedly more efficient forms of government. Such a scenario would be catastrophic for all the states of the European Union who would see the permanent loss of legislative power, both political and economic representation of the European Catholic Christian community. This dangerous scenario seemingly unlikely and instead to be considered possible in the near future due to strategic plans of foreign superpowers aiming at total control of European territory both politically, economically and financially. The privatization of strategic sectors and the lack of the state public operator in strategic sectors makes this scenario likely. Concrete danger this that would manifest itself through ineptitude of political representation or corruption of political representation that in either case would betray the European Catholic Christian community by making all member states of the Union fall into absolute irrelevance. Scenario this should be averted with strong political representation to protect these interests by placing the institution state and the state operator present in all strategic sectors especially economic and financial within the European Union at the center.

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