The Voyager

The Hostage

Hostage status as generally understood involves a physical kidnapping by an organization which may be moved for lucrative purposes, thus involving a ransom demand by the kidnappers, but may also be of political purpose and thus for the purpose of censure and involves the disappearance of the kidnapped person from the political scene.

Hostage status can be put in place by organized crime syndicates where the level of criminality and extremely high involving general threats directed at the subject, continuous and perpetual aggravated threats directed directly at the subject or his or her family members, psychological assaults intended to intimidate and intimidate, physical assaults intended to cause harm of a physical nature, kidnapping with ransom demands, and murder.

The hostage condition stems from a criminal action the purpose remains lucrative in economic terms and involves ransom demands for release which, as has happened on several occasions on European soil, sees the fate of the hostage extreme where even after payment in many cases nothing more is known about them as they are never released alive but are made to disappear.

Hostage status can also be put in place by a criminal association with political purposes aimed at the elimination from the scene of a political figure, who may be a head of state, a parliamentarian, a judge, a prosecutor, a journalist, an administration official, or a simple citizen who is involved in politics even with a simple personal blog.

In this case, we are dealing with foreign criminal syndicates that for the purpose of censorship literally kidnap a citizen and create hostage status in some unknown place by making his or her tracks disappear. In this case, the political hostage is kept alive for some time and some news is passed around, and then no more news is heard as he is physically eliminated. Again, the condition is almost extreme for the hostage, as they almost always provide for no return or elimination.

These situations in which the hostage status is consequent to a criminal act is found in Europe in numerous cases in the past decades, but on the other hand it has always created echo and resonance in the public opinion and thus an uproar and a frantic search by the whole state understood as institutions but also as public opinion and press and information in search of the perpetrators and the aims and purposes. Today such practice is increasingly difficult as the technological impact of the media is national related to the country but instantly also international related to the continent and even other continents.

In recent decades thanks to the technological impact today in Europe dealing with politics is much easier than in the past for European citizens who in the past had the bar, today the Internet allows everyone to express their political ideas and thus create a real contribution to the country's politics in terms of richness and plurality of political ideas.

It is increasingly difficult for foreign criminal organizations that have nothing to do with the constitutions of European states and the concept of the rule of law of European states to politically eliminate or kidnap inconvenient individuals who deal with politics because of European citizens. An exponential number of political supply in terms of richness of ideas and plurality of political ideas has never been seen before and therefore unthinkable to act for that kind of action.

Thus, a new form of elimination or disappearance from the political scene of the European citizen subject is created through the technique of hostage status. Normal hostage status involves psychological torture, physical torture, death threats directed directly at the hostage and death threats intended and addressed to the hostage's family members, any form of denial of constitutional rights. In this time, uncertainty reigns absolute in the hostage condition in that one knows when such time begins but does not know how and when such time period ends in the hostage condition.

In the new form, the condition of hostage is created and thought of as a condition of mobility of the European citizen who is concerned with politics but who is uncomfortable because he is concerned with politics. A constant h24 circle is created, lasting in time and perpetual around a very close distance.

All his movements are then followed, massive numbers of people are engaged who do not necessarily understand the purposes of their directives to follow and execute against the hostage, and all the aforementioned actions that in the previous hostage condition were understood are put in place. Thus, there is no shortage of threats, psychological torture, physical torture and any form of denial of constitutional rights.

Apparently not correlated in fact such or endless sequence of crimes against a European citizen subject such acts present a temporal and continuous linearity with precise purposes that can be put into practice only by a directorate with technological equipment and means, financial means and numerous people at its disposal.

This scenario today is present on European territory with physical headquarters and offices conveniently concealed, technological means in terms of military-grade hardware and software, hidden financial funds and people at their disposal with no problem to violate the constitutional and normal laws of any state of the European Union to the detriment of European Citizens.

I have proof of that of a simple citizen dealing with politics in the day-to-day as is right and as is in the right enshrined in the respective European constitutions. I also have proof that in ten states of presence and lived in the last to no avail complaints to the respective authorities of these countries.

The Internet has become very dangerous thanks to this organization's and their censure activity and a very large number of European bloggers have stopped writing or simply no longer deal with political issues, but deal with absolutely irrelevant issues.

If the same yardstick of censorship is used on ordinary European citizens who with a personal blog deal with the politics of their countries and actively perceive the espionage, pursuit and obstruction of these organizations in doing politics or writing in a blog the question that comes to be asked is: in the plans more than parties, parliamentarians and highest state offices, is the situation the same?

In the last two years I have visited and stayed in several European countries and observed techniques and strategies of censorship by a hidden direction everywhere in these countries. In all these countries by mail to the respective ministries of interior and justice I have written about this kind of situation.

The question to ask is: Is there really such an office on European soil capable of spying on European citizens 24 hours a day and thwarting and conditioning the democracy of European Union countries?

If so, a dossier should be opened on all European states for verification of the conditions of absolute freedom of parliamentarians in the exercise of politics.

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