The Voyager

The Separation

Between the European Political Representation and the European Catholic Community there is a strong separation in recent decades.

Inspiring European policy from the postwar period to the present appears to have been a character little known to the average European citizen, who never appears in history books except marginally in a few important postwar conferences. This character and the ideologue of the infamous Kalergi Plan, which is still denied by any parliamentarian or politician when asked about any policy decisions or policy choices of any i any sector of the European Union in the last seventy years.

In if the Kalergi Ideology (coveted prize winner for life) of the Austro-Japanese ideologue would also make sense assuming and not conceding that such an idea is his own handiwork and equally so even if as I suspect such an ideology was not his but made his own for convenience and careerist opportunism in political and financial terms in economic terms. Politically and philosophically in terms of principles and fundamentals, both in terms of science and conscience such an ideology is trivial and today a good mayor of any European city can without too much difficulty prove that such an ideology is basically a revivor or replica of ancient civilizations that have failed with such a form.

The Kallergi plan is basically the destruction of diversity and aims at the creation of a uniform mass compared to slaves with no history, memory, no tradition and no identity which is the perfect slave of an Ancient Egypt(Revancesm) or other societies followed after. What is being attempted here is to create in Europe a U.S. social model that in no way is superior to the European one because at its basis it has an extermination of a native people like the Indian and basically is not a completed society or democracy at all.

The answer to such an ideology that professes diversity as an easy solution to multiple purposes for the European continent is basically simple. The European continent is sufficiently diverse as it is in its entirety since it is composed of five very ancient and diverse languages, different ethnic groups such as Germanic, Slavic, Latin, and Hungarian, and Balkan which in turn are diverse in religion, tradition, history, and identity. The added value of this territory belonging to the European Union today is precisely this, and it is this that must be preserved, a unique factor of unique diversity.

The preservation of the indigenous peoples by territoriality, tradition, history and identity is the function of the missing policy in these seventy years of the post-war period that has been missed by obstruction of special interests to the detriment of this wealth and added value of the European continent.

In summary, such an ideologue claims a moral, intellectual, rank and social class superiority of one religious component over all others, this without contradiction, without any basis as a starting hypothesis, without statistical data and above all without historical facts to support it. A kind of supremacy of one religious community over other religious communities which by divine right what god one god superior to others should rule over all that breathes oxygen on this earth and especially over all the children of a lesser god.

The concept as trivial as it may be since religion is spoken of by dogma, and since dogmas are dogmas whether the Jewish religion is a dogma, whether the Christian religion is a dogma, whether the Musliman religion is a dogma, and whether all other religions are dogmas as well this is a fact.

As far as the history of Humanity understood in terms of religious community all religious communities have genocide in their history that depending on the historical period in percentage the number is similar. This implies an equality in these terms since the sense of limitation does not exist here in terms of genocide on any of the compared religious communities.

The largest religious community in Europe is undoubtedly the Catholic religion and this is discussed in this blog, and since it is essentially the de facto religion of the European Union it is not clear why this religion is not recognized as the official religion of the European Union. To this community is in fact due the historical evolution of Western society of two thousand years and subsequently the contribution of other religious communities that in a lesser part but certainly not missed.

To deny this recognition is to deny the representation of this community in the politics of the European Union, as has been the case for the past seventy years.

So there is a position at the antipodes between the interests of the European Catholic community and party and parliamentary political representation both at the level of local politics of individual member states and at the European parliamentary level that needs to be stitched up because political representation is faithful to European Republics and Monarchies, European constitutions and European citizens of member states.

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