The Voyager



September 2019, before the cross events.

I was born on the European continent, on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, and I speak one of the five ancient languages of Europe. I am the son of emigration, born in one nation, raised in another, and today I live and work in yet another country. The perfect product of emigration and the new European citizen, someone said. But I know the history, and I like my identity, I am white, heterosexual, I only like women and for me there is no other version. Thanks to a fatal crossover event in September 2019, my whole life was destroyed, but I'm still here writing a few lines for the connoisseurs. In 06/01/2019 an American Abrahamic organisation at the request of the branch based in European territory made an attempt on my life by pouring a chemical substance during a meeting in a bar, in order to settle accounts with a Russian military organisation that two months earlier had with chemical substance made an attempt on my life in the same way.

Thanks to this pressure, there has been no public prosecutor in the entire territory of the European Union capable of investigating and issuing arrest warrants for attempted murder, for aggravated violence, for continuous and perpetual aggravated threat, for violation of privacy and for the infinite number of laws violated on European territory by this organization. Today, I live without my constitutional rights in almost all European territories and continue to be subject to the endless series of crimes against me by this Abrahamic American Organization and European branch based in Italy which is not afraid of the flagrant crime and even less state institutions such as police, prosecutors, courts and judges.

Since that time, this organisation has followed an endless series of unprecedented crimes against me, ranging from sleep deprivation, perpetual and perpetual threat to life, continuous and repeated assaults, insult and defamation, insult, invasion of privacy and exposing my life and person to exponential risk to any international espionage organisation and creating an irreversibly and constantly dangerous situation for my life and safety.

Between 06/2019 and 11/2022 I travelled in an attempt to avoid this organisation in all European countries and filed a complaint in all countries I was in. Unfortunately, the pressure from the religiously-motivated American Abrahamic Organisation, but also from a Russian espionage organisation of the former KKB type, in all of my was so strong and incisive that it covered up all the complaints in all the European states where I lived and stayed, and at the same time i present a formal complaint.

The American Abrahamic Organization unfortunately for me has two branches:

in American territory, with an African American at the top and his absolutely despicable krue against all the constitutional laws of the European states and the national legal regulations of the European states, motivated by the carte blanche to operate in this way granted by George Soros & Company founders and financiers;

in Italian territory (probably located in southern Italy), with at the top a person from southern Italy and his gang, with a strong aptitude for organized crime and violation of the laws of European territory, who were appropriately chosen for a high index of loyalty and to the boss, once again Georg Soros & Company carry out this for the purpose of censorship and on behalf of the Abrahamic American Organization.

I am talking about an attempted murder by poisoning, which occurred on 06/January/2019 at 09:30 a.m., at the Tavagnacco (UD) shopping center where an aggent your in plainclothes pours a chemical substance into coffee. Attempted ommicide strongly richest by the Italian branch headed by the soggo of the Italian south and executed and commissioned by Italians in the service of American Intelligence. Attempted murder this in riposte to the one carried out by the former KGB Russians that took place a few months earlier, of which you have live video and audio recordings of the deed and of which you spent a lot of effort to exploit it in the way that suited you parliamentarily and politically. This makes the southerner or southerners Italians in your (American Jewish Clan Community)paymaster and applicant of an attempted murder and an American or Americans executors of an attempted murder on the territory of the Italian Republic.

I am referring to more than 1300 days of pure persecution by an American Clan of Hebraic Religion against an Albanian Catholic with an Italian passport. I denounce a three year system put in place by American Gewis Privat Armi for anyone they deem to be one of the "three may kings". Under no circumstances and in any manner do I consider what you have been doing towards me for more than 1300 days. I invoke the intervention of the judiciary for attempted murder, for torture, for continuous and perpetual aggravated threats directly towards me and towards the people dear to me, for insults and insults, for violation of my constitutional rights.

I remind the courageous prosecutors and judges of the Italian republic that a brother statesman of the Italian republic and two judges and statesmen are missing. Those who are persecuting me today are to be blamed for these murders, as the Supreme Court ruling clearly states.

To the Pontius Pilate on duty, report that Barnabas and the other one whose name I don't remember, they were in the hands of the people but the people chose Barnabas.

Ps: the people can be manipulated and so it was for Barnabas, and as regards "the other" it was a gift of "the three" but never one of there comunity how evere they try to put a bar code.

No type of support in American territory from American institutions has ever arrived in all this time, much less no type of support from Italian institutions in Italian territory has ever arrived in all this time. For my part, of support, I didn't expect it then and I don't expect it today where the same situation persists, aggravated by the fact that 1300 consecutive days have passed which have caused me some discomfort.

On the other hand, there are still the nice friends of the former KKB who spy and follow from a distance, but also close enough, that anyone would like to have at the table (but not at all).

Despite this, I'm still here to write a few lines about economics and finance for anyone who wants to understand.


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