The Voyager

Ukraine war

The War in Ukraine has shown the true intentions of the old USSR nomenclature that has changed names and colors but remain the same with the same aims and purpose. Part of a plan designed thirty years ago to rebuild the old lost territory (Revanchism) after the implosion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The formula has changed but only in part since the colors are different, the communication is different, they are now also Orthodox Christians (no longer atheists as they professed for almost a century) and they say they care about the cause of Christendom and protecting the European Catholic wing and the bulwark monarchies of European Christendom, European history and European identity from those who are not Christians and who aim at the destruction of the European Catholic wing, their representation, history, belief and identity.

At the base there is always a starting hypothesis and in this case there are two since both Americans and Russians are only and exclusively doing their Special Interests:

How much truthfulness is there in Vladimir Putin's Russian narrative and communication when they claim that you Christian Catholics are our brothers and sisters, and we see you in danger from those who are Christians who are not, and who are making attempts on your life, your identity and your history and tradition in order to enslave you or extinguish you as Christians of Europe as American Indians?

For the following considerations that I am going to list in this post, unfortunately this assumption is true since it is supported by the facts and in this post and those to follow I list the events of the last seventy years of supposed peace in Europe made up of terrorist massacres, organized crime syndicates, excellent assassinations of state representatives attempted excellent murders of top state representatives, table-driven political crises, table-driven economic crises regularly every five years, table-driven financial crises regularly with a frequency that is far from dandy, and finally I have no proof but such a pandemic has never been seen in the history of mankind, and it comes with a timing that is far from random.

The economic formula is better than the Russian-style communist formula and that is true, but what economic formula are we talking about because by academic training it is two English Industrial Revolutions that have changed the Western world and the only formula that exists today is Adam Smith's formula in the Wealth of Nations book to this day still of impressive relevance. From which comes the Anglo-Saxon capitalist model, with Anglo-Saxon Corporate Governance super unbalanced in the American version by representation of ownership stakeholders at the expense of all other stakeholders.

This is confirmed by the regular economic crises between 2000 and 2020 that followed in the Americas and Europe resulting in negative employment impact, negative impact of companies (termination, relocation), negative impact on public finance and state budget. It also results in the European model with Rhineland-type Corporate Governance which presents a perfect balance among all Stakeholders, resilient to economic crises and not prone and subject to employment declines, no termination of companies, contained stress of public finance and state budget.

Is there interference of American economic policy in the economic policy of individual European states?

They certainly do, and they certainly serve their interests in every way as they aim for the centralization of big companies in the Americas at the expense of European ones, which are strongly opposed.

Is there interference of American monetary policy in European monetary policy?

Certainly, yes, they do their interest in all things by keeping the dollar devalued against the Euro to favor their exports at the expense of European exports.

Is there interference of American policy in the politics of individual European states?

Certainly yes, they do their own self-interest in everything, and they try to condition to their own advantage and to the detriment of individual European states all management choices of individual European states. European states and European public or mixed public and private companies are not allowed to enter the strategic technology sectors with high intrinsic value such as software, web technologies and communications. The absence of big European leader companies such as Nokia, Olivetti, and European public, mixed and private social media companies is a clear sign of a ban on entry with barriers that have nothing to do with market rules or the rule of law.

Is there interference or conflict on the Economic Interest Conglomerate of the European Catholic Christian Community by other Economic Interest Conglomerates of other American or European Religious Communities?

Certainly yes, they do their interest in everything, and try to condition to their own advantage all economic and financial scenarios that compete and pertain to Europe. See case of all strategic companies, national champions bought and transferred ownership from one Christian Catholic community interest conglomerate to other Religious community interest conglomerate. See case of Forbs magazine, which for accuracy does not include all the names of patrons and respective Religious Community Interest Conglomerates.

Is there interference, opposition or conditioning by Religious Interest Conglomerates other than the European Catholic Christian Religious Interest Conglomerate?

Certainly yes, they do their own interest in everything, see the case of Pope Bergogliu, parachuted current CEO of the European Catholic Church who understands the Gospel in the same way as Georg Soros who I remember has his own religion and should take care of his religion.

Recent history of a few decades without bothering the glories of the past:

Ten years ago a political movement called the Five Star Movement was born (today I have no news of their survival in either a metaphorical or literal sense and frankly I don't even care), founded by a comedian with a blog and a few ideals but the kind not seen in several decades, around a host of young guys full of valor and goodness confident of realizing their political program for their country and changing the country for the better. This movement of pure democracy in the true sense of the word is being stifled in the bud, polluted with the usual Trojan horse from within and directed onto a dead end track by its very founder. Founder the latter who before doing so is publicly threatened with death by and intimated to leave the politics of one of the founding countries of Europe. Threats and intimations to leave also to historical exponents of the Italian Lombard right in different ways but with the same purposes.

In France the Golian political current is zeroed out, subsequently a new political movement is born, that of Marin Lepen. Also flanked and conditioned is Marin Lepen's political movement, to which they are enjoined to follow to the letter a certain political direction and line contrary to what the political movement is and what is voted by the citizens of the French Republic.

Chancellor Angela Merkel maximum representation of German European politics but also maximum Catholic Christian expression of Germany on several occasions but symbolic the meeting with Ukrainian President in June 2019 with something more than intimidation as can be seen from the video of the meeting that took place on that occasion. With this stratagem of continuous threats, attempted assassinations, murders and h24 spying they condition the politics and economy of the countries of the European Union to their advantage.

In view of the above listed, are the interests of the European Catholic Christian Wing and the European Union being served by the U.S. and is it right to listen and follow their dictates to the letter? Certainly it is appropriate to listen to their proposals, at the same time remembering that they are doing their own interest and at the same time remembering that they have the history of the chair in which they sit and that they owe their existence to the Europeans, specifically the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italians.

How much truthfulness there is in the narrative and communication of those Catholic Christians who are not and who now rule in the shadows for on the Catholic Christian territory of Europe and who find representation by names like George Soros(European this) with little specific weight compared to those who never appear in Forbs' magazine, when they claim that they are evil and that we as big brothers are protecting you from those who would chain and subjugate you under their rule in a single federation.

For the following considerations which I am going to list in this post unfortunately that assumption is true since it is supported by the facts and in this post and those to follow I list the events of the last seventy years of supposed peace in Europe with wars on European Balkan territory see Kosovo case, war in Ukraine, probable war in the other former Soviet republics, communism with economic formula leading to starvation and famine.

The Communist economic formula of what is yours is not yours but the party's and what is the party's remains the parties we owe to the Russians and their philosophers. In fact, the Communist Ideology was born in that part of the world, but unfortunately it was also misinterpreted, the result was that communism claimed more economic victims in its entire existence than World War II in actual deaths. A marked aptitude for war was seen in Chechnya and Sarajevo, no less in Ukraine today where prisoners of war (Christians these I remember) are not accorded the honor of arms by liquidating them without much trouble of conscience.

Is it good for the Christian Catholic wing to listen to or have to deal with the Russians given the considerations made above? Certainly for whenever by coexistence on the same territory of the European continent one has to deal with the Russians one must always consider the fact that as they speak they do their own interest, ergo the bells are all heard but the decisions are independent depending only on the exclusive European and the European Catholic Christian interest.

Does the European Christian-Catholic Wing Lack Courage, Determination and Vision?

The British Empire utmost representation of those who represent history tradition and Christianity proved that even in an empire idea we have always done better as they managed to create the largest empire in all of Western history, in terms of territory and population by cutting the globe into two hemispheres from side to side and in their greatest expansion and apex of the history of that empire they managed to give it all up and return to their beloved island as lords as they have always been, it means they did better than those who today covet a crown that in no other way could they have except in a cult-like and unfair way.

Wrong to drop Boris Jonson since one weakens what matters by endangering the political line of conservatives with all that pertains to it. Not at all truthful the thesis about man from Moscow, information provided by Russian intelligence circles as is that provided to the same Jonson by American intelligence circles. Looking at the facts there is the prime minister's signature on the ship Quine Elizabeth invites to Asia and there is prime minister Boris Jonson's signature on the massive intervention in Ukraine (greater than the Americans' contribution) so instrumental is the whole narrative against Boris Jonson who never stopped doing the Interests of his own country, never stopped doing the interests of the British Conservatives and never stopped doing the interests of the British Protestant Christian wing but above all never stopped defending what matters that and the independence of England and the English. To that England of the British Crown is due them a heartfelt thanks for giving the whole world a common language and for giving the whole world two Industrial Revolutions that laid the foundations for our society and civilization.

Instrumental disparaging attack against Donald Trup who for three and a half years of presidency has achieved outstanding economic results better than those who preceded him(Barac Obama), and better by far than those who came after him(Joe Biden). Donald Trump has always served the interests of Americans, he has always served the interests of the American conservative wing which is not necessarily and only that represented by the Republican Party. To see the signatures on trade and war treaties, Taiwan, and commercial trade act say everything opposite of the charge of the hundred one against in this period. His presidency for the term of three and a half years made of outstanding economic and political achievements where the average American (the one with the bank account less than a thousand dollars for 60 percent) really perceives benefits such as increased employment and wages never seen before, the small end medium business really perceives the added value and competitive advantage due to the policies of the president of Catholic representation(and he was not a Mormon invertebrate). That is until they decided to change history to their advantage by conditioning reality and destroying all that was the work of the Trump administration. The political attack on Boris Jonson and Donald Trump is purely instrumental and aimed at destroying and silencing the representation of the Christian Catholic and Christian Protestant wing and should be nipped in the bud as it undermines what matters.

The Holly Roman Empire with its thousand years of existence has proven that we can rule and do better than you because we have done better, we can stand together federally united (without masters, jesters, minstrels and concubines) because we have proven it in the past here in the West.

This is not the time to divide this for the lineages of those who have represented the European Christian Catholic wing in European politics for decades, and instead it is a more unique than rare opportunity where situations are confronted head-on and fearlessly with determination and courage even considering the fact that we are being spied on 24 hours a day by them, this should be discounted by virtue of the fact that this continent is of the Europeans and rightfully belongs to those who were born on it regardless of how many dollars they can print daily.

Dye it red, metaphorically or literally once again, because this is one of those occasions or windows of time when it is possible to have what you have lost provided you have the strength, will and determination. Fundamental will be fidelity to history, tradition, the Republic and the Constitution and the foresight of all those who hold institutional, administrative and ,ultimately military offices.

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